  • What’s new
What’s new

Version 02.10.2022 - 5.0.1

1. New design
2. Bitrix24 SPA support
3. New reports about problems in Deals or Leads or Companies added. Analyze deals / companies without activities, without open deals and so on.
4. New reports for tasks (time elapsed, deadline offsets) and other entities

Version 07.09.2021 - 4.1.2

1. New tab visualization - to better see the selected files and visualization tabs
2. fix bugs
3. auto-export to table by "listtocrm" command
4. Export of reports to b24 lists (so far up to 50 records) - with settings for ID of list items in indicators and ID of the list itself in Reports (Views)
5. Setting in ratios "Hide bars" you can hide bars for individual ratios (for example, for plans)
6. Added AllDates - for example, display simultaneously the number of successful deals per week and the number of ALL open deals on one report
7. Fixed sorting of ratios in NAN mode - with sticks "-"
8. Changed button name to No formatting (for Excel)
9. The functionality of periods has been improved: months are now filtered by the current time; they are always created for all periods

Version 01.09.2021 -

1. editing base b24 (number changed)
2. double exception filter bug permissions
3. editing the update of the main window after the filter window is working
4. Functionality "If"
5. Acceleration of work of filters with dates.
6.Mac bug
7. In the report “Deals: cases by activity ..”: Added an EMPTY Opened filter, sorted by creation date.
8. Reports “Activities” and “Deals (Leads): cases by period and planned” - began to open much faster and many ratios were improved in them
9 Added collection of all phones and e-mail addresses from Bitrix24. They are written on one line and separated by a comma:;
10. Full automatic machine for quality control of deals B24.
Also, for the sake of it, the last line is now added to all projects in the Data "Nemind Rating"
11. For negative numbers, bars are no longer drawn in Ratios tab
12. Small changes in the program buttons in the main menu (in Advanced)
13. Editing sorting and saving hidden columns Data
14. Edit - the last segment in the indicators was shown in bold if the direction of columns and rows was changed

Version 05.07.2021 -

Filter bug fix
Months are made over the years.
Edits of departures of the Metrics tab when setting the default amount and the metrics themselves
Edit for poppy settings "include empty"
Editing Column Settings of Data tab
many improvements on Related Ratios
Added filter functionality "contains" with a selection from a variety of search strings, separated by a symbol
First version with ratios from other files
Improved dashboard
Message when changing the calendar that you need to reload the program
Editing the report B24 "Calls"
Piece at the top in ratios
Translations in the Activities report
Implemented ratio IF (no interface yet, only in xml)

Version 18.06.2021 -

Fixed 150,000 lines. All the same, we took 50K
Fixed a bug with the flight of plans on the Cross tab
Fixed closing the application when sending to e-mail
The last column was not shown in Data. This can be seen both on Sales.xls and on reports b24 and amo. Fix
Amocrm loading bug (not loaded for the current year)
Filter with Exclude now works for multiple lists
Editing the work of Views (Reports) and filters.
Fixed updating downloaded b24 or amo project on Mac
amoCRM reports Deal Products and Buyers' Products: added standard ratios and default view
Task comments - removed system
Added from the tasks the responsible and the author

Version 10.05.2021  -

1. bug fixes for poppy - ban on dragging ratios columns
2. Editing Column Sort for Data tab
3. in the lesson, the text was changed from a pie chart to a bar chart (now for the default parameters it is it)
4. bug fix - the "fall" into the data fell off
5. View bugs: Only one entity is saved to views in reports (bitrix24.com)
6. editing the preservation of views (histogram, etc.) in Kanban
7. editing so that extra characters do not go to emails if the number is less than 100 (pcs)
8. Ratios - Rounding Numbers to 100
9. You can put a space in characters to remove the default character (for example, rubles)
10. quality scores are now written virtually on the last line. will allow you to make calculations of the quality of the client BEFORE recording in crm
11. correction of bugs when dragging columns into "ratios" with the mouse. this is how you can customize the ratios.
12. scoring edits (successful to be written)
13. editing the reading of custom fields of Bitrix24 accounts
14. improving the form of setting filters (colors in scoring and quality) and ratios: there was a bug, if only one ratio is editable. plus added button "add down"

Version 20.04.2021  - 4.1.17:  win, mac

New ratios for task reports b24
Editing the download of accounts, companies and contacts
Debugging connections
Mailing list edits
New Design Comparison Ratios / Cross tables
Coloring edits when comparing
Editing the mode of dragging ratios with the mouse in the "Ratios" tab
For yes-no values, now “not” is added to “indicators” and “checkerboard” instead of a tick and a blank
Speeding up Tasks report

Version 25.05.2021  -  win, mac

update of amocrm buyers report
New version of the lesson "Ratios"
Amocrm, Buyers report: sales redesigned to a new look
the main lesson was reworked, the parameter selection in the ratios and the deals to Cross tab were added
Added IF parameter for Quality Rating
Fixed report Contacts b24 - added indices, previously it hung on large accounts

Version 18.03.2021  -

1. corrected the comparison of periods on standard ratios.
2. new report Conversion
3. Changes to standard lesson files, especially English
4. company report b24 - added "creator"
5. the letters of the highlighted main menu are green instead of red
6. new weekend 21 years added to calendar
7. editing the width and other points of standard (those that are when loading xls for example) ratios. especially for lessons
8. clicking on the days of the week-months in the "ratios" mode will immediately open the selected section
9. Changing the main menu
10. SORT columns to data (helloData)
11. In operation, the influence of the week / month buttons on the Ratios tab
12. added e-mail and phone reading for B24 COMPANIES
13. New Design Ratios - Period Comparison
14. total graph when opened from the Ratios tab
15. setting up the "Ratios" visualization for the period comparison mode
16. Default ratios templates:
bitrix24: deals, sales, leads, stages of deals
amocrm: deals
17. Changing the colors of the program - shell, diagrams, colors in the "Ratios" form
18. Redesigned “sales” template with default ratios
19. Changed the color of the line chart.

Version 25.02.2021 -

1.quality - added to amoCRM
2.quality - many edits, for example, the texts have been changed and now split into three blocks
3. Filters (Design for Quality)
3.1. empty and non-empty now also for text parameters (previously it was only for dates and amounts)
3.2. the ability to add new segments to filters, even if they are not in the database (there were problems with this, the editing functionality through text was there, but it screwed up)
4. Quality control added to Bitrix

Version 16.02.2021 -

1.first cell in bold and named TOTAL
2. button to hide and show the top menu (equivalent to the previous double click)
3. made setting for permanent reloading of bitrix lists. by default, elements are loaded once and only new ones are loaded (as before)
4. fixed work of ranges of values. Now you can manually set any and they will always be visible. And "more than 1000" and "less than 10" were earlier.
5. added ratio type "Days" equal to the count of days of the selected period
6. the "delete all" button in the Ratios now also deletes the ratios auto-created by the program
7. Fixed plans by default, earlier if an element was assigned a plan and deleted, it worked incorrectly.
SORT columns in "Data"
8. the lesson of adding ratios second
9. new ratios are now added to the top
10. filter button no longer moves the selected parameter to the top, but still highlights it
11.scoring - the change in crm is no longer visible if scoring is not selected.
12. the default plan tries to choose the "responsible"
Mon, Tue to "days" segments
line chart for "days" always through "total"
13. Edit connection to Bitrix24
14. Ratio "Sales" in the report leads + deals b24
15. edits of multiple plans. Visualization TOTAL and Default in Plans
16. edits of license registration
17. continuation of the multiple plan
18. The first version with automatic scoring download installed

Version 22.04.2020 -

New AMOCRM data loading architecture: faster loading time, now it is possible to create complex types of queries.
Automatic saving of the table through the command line,
"c: \ Sources \ WinPivot \ Win32 \ Debug \ Pivot.exe" "d: \ Work \ Sales.npt" / savetocsv "d: \ DealsSuccessful.csv"
save the table from d: \ Work \ Sales.npt to d: \ DealsSuccessful.csv
Added the simultaneous opening of many projects through drag and drop.
Edits to Bitrix24 and AMOCRM reports: report "Tasks", "Deals Products";
A new report for AMOCRM "Response time to a deal" added the CompanyContacts table and through it the tracking of "company contacts" for AmoCRM;
By default, the “empty value” segment is hidden in the Charts by segments, it now needs to be included in the “View”, the setting is saved in the project.

Version 30.03.2020 -

· Added a negative time for the ability to calculate the delay;
· A new report “Communications + deals + companies, a heuristic” search for deals and companies for AmoCRM was added.
· Added CompanyContacts table and through it tracking "company contacts" for AmoCRM
· Letters are read in the Cases report in AmoCRM, DIRECTION (incoming - outgoing) - for different types
· Added “OR condition” to filters
· When creating a new filter, zero data is copied to it
· The output of the values ​​of all segments at once is added to the chart type “compare cells, graphs”
· Added automatic adjustment of the number of requested rows from Bitrix24 depending on response time
· Edits to the Lead and Deal Comments report

Version 11.03.2020 -

· Added decryption of the scope for Bitrick24 companies

Version 03.03.2020 -

· Work with working hours fixed, calendar changed.
· Debugged database system without accessing the server
· Changed the form of adding views.
· Added accounting of working hours and the total duration of work on tasks.
· Added "remote users" and "remote statuses" to the status report AmoCRM
· Added “stall from status” and “average working hours to status” in AmoCRM status report
· Changed "Full Pivot Table" to "Kanban" and "Quick Pivot Table" to "Metrics"
· Added sorting of account statuses in Bitrix24
· Added url to the "Calls through affairs" report
· Optimization of AmoCRM statuses. Duration calculations are added taking into account working hours. The following status is added (for stall statuses)
· Fixed bug with downloading xls from Bitrix24

Version 02.27.2020 -

· Fixed work of the report “Statuses real” for amoCRM
· Fixed “Accounts” report for Bitrix24
· Added report “Calls” contacts and transitions to them for AmoCRM
· Added source to various Bitrix24 reports.
· By default, the “Calls” report from Bitrix24 is built via telephony.
· Removed the 50% limit in the trial version
· Trillions of T added
· Strongly modified “Products of Leads” and “Products” for amoCRM
· Editing the order of segments in stages, including filters.
· Fixed a critical bug with broken transfers in b24
· Report “Products of Leads” was created for AmoCRM

Version 05.02.2020 -

· Editing bugs with complex filters (tags) switched the default date in the settings.
· Added “Customers” report for Amocrm customers.


· Added to the "Tasks" report for Bitrix24: flag of the parent task, multiplicity and duration of execution.

Version 02.02.2020 -

· Editing the report "Activities" for Bitrix24
· Editing the Calls report AmoCRM


· Fixed the work of shares in the number and amount in graphs and user indicators
· The “Bars” functionality has been renamed to “Conversion”.
· Edits to the "Ratios" and "Filters" form
· “Categories” renamed to “segments”

Version 31.01.2020 -

· Editing the Tasks report AmoCRM
· Fixed a bug when switching the default time.
· Editing a bug with downloading reports with Products
· Editing a bug with an email address in AmoCRM.
· Edit Multi-Lists for tags.

Version 28.01.2020 -

· Update for Bitrix24 deals products
· Bug fix with saving in npt universal lists for Bitrix24

Version 26.01.2020 -

· Added tags in amoCRM
· Added multiple Bitrix24 and amoCRM tags
· Added items for Bitrix24 deals.
· Edits for the Mac version

Version 24.01.2020 -

· Changes in reading Bitrix24 data for connecting with multiple lists
· Edits to the temporary filter.
· Fixed a bug with connecting to accounts with software that contain characters [or].
· Fixed bug with saving the symbol (percentage, tenge, etc.)

Version 21.01.2020 -

· Added lesson "How to add custom ratios"

Version 16.01.2020 -

· Removed the "standard" view
· Added the ability to add a temporary filter
· Adding a transition to the Data tab for complex metrics with modified dates in the Quick PivotTable.
· "Selected period" option added to filters Conditions
· Fixed bug with saving and reading in the Views of the selected segment
· Editing dates for “yesterday”, “current week”, “current month”
· Added successful filter and conversion to amoCRM "Transactions" report
· New versions of business processes

Version 02.01.2020 -

· Fix trial data problem
· Editing a tooltip bug on a chart

Version 30.12.2019 -

· Conversion rate has been added to the "Deals" report via the Bitrix24 template.
· Added a new report template “Deals with details of cases”

Version 12/26/2019 -

· Added quick filter by double click on quick pivot table
· Edits of case templates so that double-click works with the transition to a deal or lead
· Update Report Templates for Bitrix Affairs 24
· Editing Cases reports to download calls.
· Added loading of the general direction of transactions
· Added decryption of the contact type for the Bitrix24 Contacts report
· Edit account upload to authorization for amoCRM
· Added link with leads and customers in amoCRM Products report
· Added a value1 and a value2 implementation to the Metrics
· Added the item “Leaders in red” on the right mouse button
· Edit Save Views

Version 08.12.2019 -

· The report templates “Leads + Transactions”, “Cases of leads (transactions)” and “Transactions (leads): affairs by periods and planned” were changed
· Added Saving in “Chess” views
Editing a dashboard
· Editing a bug with American dates
· Added plans in pure form to parameters
· Added setting of uniqueness in the form of parameters
· Calendar settings moved to a separate tab
· Added dismissed amoCRM reports
· Added rotation of types and projects. Open two or more projects, set up Views in them

Version 11/15/2019 -

· Added histogram without comparison
· Added sorting and reverse sorting by selected metric
· Added working (fired) reports to Bitrix24
· Fixed the “Stage of deals” report in Bitrix24

Version 13.11.2019 -

· Editing amoCRM reports
· The filter "default" is renamed to "filter"
· Edited amoCRM connection form
· Added search for custom fields
· Faster database loading
· Added “silent” dashboard update
· The histogram for the mode without comparison is corrected

Version 10.27.2019 -

· Added form of settings for filters, custom indicators, plans and Views.
· Editing amoCRM and Bitrix24 software critical bugs

 Version 11.10.2019 -

· Added new types of filters and parameters
· Speeding up the calculation of column parameters

Version 18.09.2019 -

· Edit Calls reports for amoCRM

Version 17.09.2019 -

· Editing custom counts type fields
· Edit browser navigation
· The first version with an intermediate editor of filters, ratios, plans and views.

Version 10.09.2019 -

· Fixed bug with statuses in Bitrix24,
· Fixed reconnection from NPT file
· Added loading report list for lessons
· Added skip / show SQL editor

 Version 08/29/2019 -

Editing the Bitrix24 funnel
· Added Report “Social Groups”, “Task Comments”
· Changed reports "Accounts", "Addresses", "Products", "Users"
· Added report “Goods” with categories and sections of goods
· Group update of documents
· Added a new type of reports as "Universal Lists" in a separate tab
· Acceleration of the Calls report
· Finalization of loading comments on tasks,
· Edited list of business processes,
· Added a report “Lead with activities”, a report “Leads: activities by periods and planned”
· Separation of the "Tasks" reports into regular and advanced
· A new report “Deals with activities” was added and their activity by day, week, month divided by calls, letters, tasks
· A new report “Leads: activities by periods and planned” has been added
· Entities links added to the Bitrix24 Tasks report
· Optimization of Bitrix24 status loading
· Added url for the Tasks report
· Chart edits for custom metrics
· The “ROBOT” tab has been renamed to “Artificial Intelligence”
· Added ability to select any indicator for calculation

Version 06/18/2019 -

· Amounts added to the reports “Lead Statuses” and “Deal Stages” by Bitrix24
· Drop-down list with filters
· Added filter selection list from custom metrics


· Added descriptions of amoCRM templates
· Departments added to Bitrix24 reports
· Improvement of status and working time reports
· Added template “Lead statuses with working hours”


Version 05/30/2019 -

· Added Lead Comments to the report “Leads + Deals” Bitrix24
· Added a new report, “The speed of converting leads into contacts or companies”
· Faster Leads + Deals report

Version 3.1

·          Completely new view of ratios in the Full Pivot Table
·          New Bitrix24 reports: Sales, Deals+Leads, etc.
·          Bars
·          Range values

Version 3.0

Improvement of the program’s interface: Ribbon navigation makes work simpler. Periods and ratios selection is faster and even easier-to-use.
Added hints on the diagrams to make you see all required details about data with no efforts. Particularly, every period shows the amount, number, and average. Days are highlighted with days of the week, weeks – with number of a week.
·          The program significantly broadens the list of supported file formats and database types. Added: Excel (xlsm), Microsoft Access (mdb, accdb), SQLite (sdb, s3db), Firebird (fdb, fb). Direct connection to Databases supported: Oracle MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, etc. 
·          Online sources added: Bitrix24, AmoCRM
·          New Start page has a list of possible sources, with which a program works now that makes it easier to connect to the data
Added a multiple lines chart.
The program now supports simultaneous work with several projects with navigation through tabs.
A simple setting of the cells “Other” for each column, which includes the floating separator and manual selection of cells to be shown.
NeoNeuro .npt format uses XML .
Extended digital signature.

Version 2.0

·          Opening Excel files have become faster in average in 5 times
·          Sheet selection for loading from Excel files
·          Finding unformatted tables in Excel files automatically
·          Dialog for selection of rows and columns for header and data for loading from Excel files
·          Determination of columns with merged cells. Column name formed including names of all merged cells where the column belongs to.
·          Merged rows support. If date used, then rows are calculated as they are in the first column.
·          New localizations: French, Italian, Spanish.
·          Data table is shown in Settings>Base parameters

Version 1.17

·          Fast Pivot Table
·          Report to Excel
·          Data is shown faster
·          Dropdown hint on Full pivot table
·          Information panel as a grid
·          Columns tab is deleted. Fast pivot table is recommended instead of it.
·          Some of Ribbon items moved to “Chart” menu
·          New interface style

Version 1.16

·          Automatic report in Excel
·          SQL formatting saved to project .npt files for connection to databases

Version 1.15

·          Fast Pivot Table
·          Buttons for Chart selection

Version 3.2

·           Rename Fast Pivot Table to Ratios; Full Pivot table to Kanban.
·       Add Artificial Intelligence
·       Add new Filters
·       Add new Views