  • Getting started / Recommended!
Getting started / Recommended!
The goal of Nemind is to make life for managers easier, save time spent on calculating indicators, and provide a tool for quick assessment of a business by any aspect and criteria.
Nemind has an intuitive interface for visualizing reports and a large count of settings that allow you to make reports of varying complexity at the request of a manager without program code. In addition, the program already has dozens of reports and tools for solving many practical problems, so we recommend that you read this chapter.
Here you will see an overview of basic information about Nemind for about half an hour.
If you work with Bitrix24 or amoCRM, then you will learn the basic methods and life hacks for quick and complete analytics of your CRM.
4 levels of Nemind skills
We have identified 4 levels of proficiency in the program from the simplest, which does not require training, to the most difficult, where you need to know the structure of the CRM base and the SQL language.
First level. User. No training required
This is the level that executives of the company often work at.
The user opens the report and sees all the necessary ratios.
A double click inside the tables (Data table) goes to cards in Bitrix24 or amoCRM, getting specific clients where the problems or achievements under study have arisen. Only the choice of the period is used of the settings, although it is often not needed - the default period is sufficient.
The user selects the necessary ratios, charts and types of tabular visualization.
To switch between different reports at the first level, we recommend using the report selection at the top of the program:
Each time you run a project file, it will automatically update data from CRM.
You can also configure to load the program immediately after downloading all the necessary projects automatically.
Note: at the initial stage, errors are often found in filling out the CRM - the data is stored / filled not as intended.
Therefore, Nemind also contributes to the improvement of the structure and methods of CRM management.
Second level. Advanced user. Training: 20 minutes - 2 hours.
Heads of sales manager or heads of marketing executives are most often employed at the advanced user level.
An advanced user not only studies ready-made reports and selects periods, he also actively uses filters. The filters of Nemind are similar to Bitrix24 and amoCRM filters, but they have more settings, for example, it is possible to exclude certain elements.
The filter "Group of employees" has been created, where "Responsible 2" behind is excluded.
Advanced users can change sections in tables, for example, change Responsible to Sources.
Also, at this skill level, the user works with charts - he can select ratios and time segments, change the types of charts.
As a result, the leader sees the analyst precisely for the problem that he is studying at the moment. Advanced users are able to work with the Data , Kanban , Ratios and Cross table tabs, choosing the most convenient for solving specific issues. While General Manager likes tables of the Ratios tab more, then Heads of sales manager or heads of marketing executives often prefer Kanban and Cross table tabs, and also use charts more actively.
Third level. Administrator. Training: 3 - 8 hours
The administrator is able to customize ratios.
Ratios are a key element of Nemind analytics, the second lesson is devoted to the topic of creating and changing them.
The screenshot below shows a popular metric that depends on a particular business - “target leads”.
In the example, ratio "Target leads" include everything except the Spam stage (above, we looked at filters with Exclude). Set up the calculation of targeted leads in accordance with the logic of your business.
More than half of Nemind's customers use custom metrics tailored to their business.
Setting up ratios in Nemind is one of the simplest among all business intelligence systems.
We recommend that you select an employee who can edit them on his own - for this you just need to go through the second lesson and start changing the ratios that are already configured in standard reports.
One hour is enough to understand the basic features. But this is not necessary either: we and our partners are also engaged in setting ratios based on your wishes - just send what you want to see in the reports.
More on customizing ratios later in this chapter.
Fourth level. Programmer. Training: from 6 months
Nemind takes data from Bitrix24 CRM and amoCRM and saves it to the internal SQLite database, which is stored on your computer.
The tables and fields in them correspond as much as possible to the official descriptions of the CRM data REST API. For example, here are links to a description of the structure of the tables of deals: Bitrix24 and amoCRM .
SQLite is an open source database used by Google Chrome and many other programs, you can also open the database using free software.
Thanks to the layer in the form of a SQLite database, you can access it using the SQL language and make queries of any complexity.
For example, you can find out all the companies for which there was no communication in the last 50 days, and the communication is often attached not to a company, but to a deal or contact.
The solution is to write a SQL query that will either give only companies without communication for 50 days, or add a label about this to the general report of the “Company”. About one in three Nemind customers orders metrics that require SQL, and we usually do them. If you have a SQL specialist who is familiar with the CRM data structure, he can write queries on his own. SQL is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world and is spoken by millions of programmers.
Connection to Bitrix24 and amoCRM
To connect to Bitrix24 and amoCRM, just select the “Bitrix24” or “amoCRM” tile
or find them in the file menu.
Then enter your domain and connect - everything happens automatically.
After connecting, a choice of one of dozens of report templates will appear,
and then you will see a report with ratios in a table and a diagram - everything is already configured.
Many additional options allow you to select the necessary sections, tables, charts, create new ratios, use plans, period comparisons, tools for quick conversion estimation and much more. To make it easier to familiarize yourself with these settings, we have added built-in step-by-step tutorials. In half an hour you will not only learn about the most popular functionality, but you will also be able to “feel” it by simply clicking on the indicated places.
Built-in lessons
We recommend that all users complete the first lesson "Getting started. Analyze data in 7 minutes."
If you need to add new ratios, we recommend that you go through the second and third lessons: "How to create custom ratios" and "Conversion".
In addition to the built-in lessons, information is available in the video, on the website, and in the help that you are currently reading.
Popular and useful reports
Report templates
Popular reports are in bold:
There is a search at the top.
Each report here is a report template in which ratios and default filters are specified, then this template is saved to a project file with the .npt extension. In the project, you can save the settings from the template "as is" or completely redo them by deleting the existing ones and creating new ones - while you can always re-open the template report - it will not disappear.
Daily work with reports for the manager
The manager examines the reports either by opening the .npt files, or simply by opening the program - and it will automatically load the latest projects - for the latter there is a special setting:
At the top of the program interface there is a switch between projects and reports-views inside them:
What are the most useful and popular reports?
Descriptions of the most popular reports in this documentation: Bitrix24 , amoCRM .
Deals, Activities, Contacts, Companies, Tasks, Goods (B24 also has Leads, Accounts and others, Buyers are added to amoCRM)
These are basic reports for the respective entities. All of them contain standard ratios:
- how many deals were created and how many were successful,
- the amount of successful deals,
- the average duration of deals,
and many others.
You can use standard metrics or customize your own.
Filters are usually used in metrics - for example, calculating the count of meetings by the custom field “meeting date” - in Nemind this is done in seconds. Basic reports are the most popular and most often undergo transformations when standard parameters are changed to custom ones.
Activities: calls, letters, chats, tasks.
Reports are very popular where you can track the communication between managers and clients. Here we offer dozens of standard ratios:
- the count (and share) of incoming and outgoing calls, e-mail, SMS, meetings.
- the count of clients processed and much more,
- the average number of cases per successful client.
Often this report is set up based on what entity is being analyzed - deals, companies, contacts, and the work of client managers is studied. Sometimes, for the purposes of analyzing cases, it is more convenient to go not from communications, but from clients; there are different reports on this topic, for example, “Deals (companies): activities by periods and planned”.
Deals: activities by periods and planned
Monitor open deals: find out where managers are not improving. Deals without work for a week (the period is configurable) will be filtered and shown for each manager, you can go directly to problem deals. You can also see how many deals (companies or leads in bitrix24) are overdue, do not have a link to a company, or have other features that you want to control.
Conversion - report on conversion into successful deals (or other target parameters)
To get such a report, you need to open the "Deals" report template and select the "Conversion" report:
In the screenshot above, we see that the average conversion to successful ones is 34.5% (spelled out in each cell on a colored strip), and we can see which segments give a higher conversion (for example, Responsible 1 has 47.15%) and which are below average (Responsible 2, 5.87% below average).
Also, the conversion can be viewed by sources, cities and other parameters.
Conversion is not a “every day” report, since conversion does not change quickly, but it is very useful for making management decisions: which business areas to develop (usually those with higher conversion rates) and which ones to limit.
How do I create custom reports?
Сustomization services "turnkey'' report
The easiest option is to send the necessary report ratios to Nemind and we will advise you on how to set them up or customize them for you.
Most often, we receive a task in the form of Excel or Goolgle tables with "headers" of ratios.
First of all you must understand that Nemind is the most simplified report builder, where all functions are built on the basis of RATIOS.
90% of customizing reports in Nemind consists of customizing ratios - and tables, charts, periods and much other functionality already exist as standard and will work with any new ratios that you create.
Ratios is a key concept in Nemind analytics.
Ratios are mathematical metrics that have a name and calculation settings.
For example, the ratio of the Deals report “Created” calculates the count of created deals.
This ratio is displayed in the Kanban, Ratios and Cross tables, it can be selected for all charts, it is displayed in tooltips.
It will be automatically applied for all aspects - by managers, sources, and so on. If you create a new ratios, it will also appear in all places in the program that work with ratios.
Often create an ratio "Measurements" (Presentations) - which shows the count of measurements. For example, “measurement” is determined from the custom field of the deal “Measurement date” - then in the ratio it is enough to select the date parameter “Measurement date”. This is enough to calculate measurements for managers, taking into account the selected period.
The "Measurements" ratio will automatically appear in tables and diagrams. You can always edit its name and calculation method.
Another common example is a special sum, such as deal costs, that are also entered in a custom field. You can make the “Costs” ratio - literally in two clicks, and for the ratio with the Sum, choose the average, maximum or minimum. There are standard options for customizing conversions, stakes, and plans. You can create ratios that use other ratios — for example, the Conversion to Meter ratio will use the Metered ratio and take a percentage of another Target Leads ratio. More about ratio
How to collect ratio from different reports into one?
A popular request is to collect ratios from various reports on one screen: for example:
Number of processed companies
·     count of created deals
·     sum of successful deals
·     count of calls
·     count of processed companies
Nemind makes it easy - just open the necessary reports and use the mouse to “send” the necessary ratios from additional reports to the main project. Such ratios can be used for any additional calculations, for example, to calculate the ratio of the count of calls to successful deals in the example above. Combining ratios is often used to visualize a plan-fact. The functionality of combining ratios is available starting with the Professional plan.
How to show the execution of the plan, which is set in Excel, taking into account the seasonality? Plan fact: Excel + CRM.
Companies often set plans for managers, departments, and business lines. And these plans change monthly. Nemind offers a simple analysis solution where the plan is stored and filled in Excel and the data is taken from the CRM. Thanks to the ability to combine ratios from two or more projects, it is possible to display the execution of the plan as a percentage for any periods and for any sections. Moreover, Excel becomes the “base” of plans, which can be visualized by themselves - study the change in the plan, superimpose the plan on the fact on the graph by month, apply filters and do other useful operations that allow you to make planning as accurate as possible, taking into account the constant changes in the business.
A popular request - FAQ
·     Is it possible to customize the reports required by our company in the program, taking into account all the features?
·     What is the difference between Nemind and built-in analytics from Bitrix24 / amoCRM, Power BI, Google Data Studio and other business intelligence systems?
·     What opportunities does Nemind provide for Bitrix24 or amoCRM analytics? What reports and ratios are there out of the box?
·     How quickly can I master the capabilities of Nemind, what functionality should I pay attention to?
·     What are the most useful and popular reports?
·     How much does the license and paid settings cost?
Let us examine these questions in more detail.
Is it possible to customize the reports required by our company in the program, taking into account all the features?
In the Nemind constructor, you can create most of the reports that are usually done in Excel or Google.sheets.
Moreover, there is no need to think over visualizations, tables and charts - they are already out of the box.
All that is required is to create ratios, for example: the sum and count of sales, conversion to successful deals as a percentage and separately for certain types of customers.
Aspects are selected manually and saved, for example: by responsible, by source, by customer type from custom fields.
There are also ready-made settings for time periods - you can select any periods, study indicators by days, weeks and months.
And the powerful functionality for comparing periods is one of the most important functions of Nemind, which is appreciated by many clients, because it is convenient to study the problems and growth points of companies by comparing them over time.
Nemind provides many types of tables and diagrams, a convenient double-click inside the Bitrix24 and amoCRM cards of Deals, Leads, Contacts and others - all this is already configured, choose what suits you best.
However there are limitations
- First of all, these are cases when the task cannot be solved ideally structurally: for example, if there are many deals for one contact, then it is not always possible to determine exactly the deal to which the call with this contact belongs.
- Another important limitation is the capabilities of the CRM API, when the data you need is simply not there. This does not happen often, and we usually in advance, studying the details of the required report, notify clients about it. For example, Bitrix24 has internal end-to-end analytics, but does not return data about the client's path through the API.
What is the difference between Nemind and built-in analytics from Bitrix24 / amoCRM, Power BI, Google Data Studio and other business intelligence systems?
Bitrix24 and amoCRM have built-in report constructors. They allow you to solve a certain range of tasks, but their capabilities are limited. And when users of CRM data run into limitations, they turn to professional tools. Nemind's most popular competitors in this space are MS Power BI, Google Data Studio, Qlik and Tableau.
Their main difference from Nemind is that all these tools are based on a dashboard designer and are aimed at creating dashboards, where the quality of visualization is determined by the skills of the analyst who makes them.
 As a rule, dashboards offer a minimal set of settings. Nemind goes from the opposite - Nemind offers a set of visualizations at once, this allows you not to waste time on design, but to concentrate only on the ratios.
This model provides universal settings in all reports - everywhere you can use any filters, select dates, comparison periods, change tables, “fail” in CRM.
For example, if the classic dashboard shows “income decreased by 20%”, then the question “what exactly led to the decrease” will be insoluble for the dashboard, and for Nemind - elementary.
To answer this question, you need to analyze different parameters (regions, types of products and customers, and much more), use filters in the analysis, go to specific deals in CRM, and so on.
Identifying the reasons for growth or decline, thinking about management decisions based on data analysis requires convenient analytics tools that allow you to answer questions here and now, and not write technical specifications for new reports.
This class of tools is called self-service analytics, and this direction in business analytics has been actively developing in recent years and is a promising replacement for dashboards. It is along the path of Self-Service analytics that Nemind is developing.
We believe that dashboards will gradually be supplanted by flexible analytics and artificial intelligence, in a similar way to how “list of convenience sites” were supplanted by search engines.
Of course, not completely - especially when it comes to displaying general company indicators for managers on the TV screen - here the dashboard is quite enough.
The most famous examples of self-service analytics are Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica. Instead of many diagrams and tables, there is only one diagram and one table, and many settings allow you to change their content and analyze what you need right now.
Nemind also belongs to the Self-Service class of analytics, and gives the user the opportunity to SELECT what to analyze. You can say, that Power BI is like a glossy magazine with carefully selected articles, and Nemind is like a search engine where the user explores what he is interested in here and now, without having to buy a new magazine.
Other differences:
Power BI has the ability to visualize on mobile devices, in Nemind this has not yet been implemented, analytics on mobile are sent by e-mail.
A huge variety of diagrams and other visualization elements are offered for the Power BI programmer - in Nemind, all six types of diagrams, they automatically adjust to the user and are easy to change in one click - without the participation of the programmer.
Power BI does not have a direct connector to Bitrix24 and amoCRM - the connection is made using external connectors and then the programmer sets up the analytics by working with the database structure. Nemind implements a direct connection with Bitrix24 and amoCRM - the connection is simple.
In addition, out of the box, Nemind offers dozens of pre-configured reports and hundreds of ratios carefully selected based on interactions with hundreds of clients.
At Nemind you get direct support from specialists, you can not only customize reports, but also change the program itself.
The cost of setting up reports in Power BI and other “dashboard-oriented” BI systems is much higher than in Nemind, since it is much easier and faster to create reports in Nemind.
Power BI, Google Data Studio, Qlik, and other BI systems are good for monitoring when things are going well in a company. If they show a problem, then it is difficult to go into details in them, for example - we see that sales in the main region have dropped by half. Why did they sink? - unclear.
At Nemind it is good to analyze such situations "by the bones", to find out how sales in this region have changed by responsible, by types of customers, by count and by sum. As a result, it may turn out that an important sales channel sank or there was no drawdown at all, but there was a positive outlier due to one large client in the previous period - Nemind is maximally focused on analyzing ratios in dynamics, comparing periods.
Our goal is not to give the client a panel where he sees good or bad things going on. Our goal is to give the manager numbers and recommendations, on the basis of which he will make an effective management decision: to strengthen marketing for a promising segment of customers or products, reduce costs for unprofitable directions, etc.
Business Intelligence Philosophy
Many people perceive business analitics as a means of monitoring the most important ratios of the company. Automation of calculations is the simplest, initial stage of business analysis. Our goal is to help managers in their work, to automate as much management work as possible. Therefore, we focus on performance ratios, in gradations of good or bad, since any management decision is the choice of the best solution from many possible ones. Well suited for assessment: conversion to sales by managers, sources, types of customers and other aspects - highlighting leaders and outsiders.
Having this information, the manager works to strengthen the growth points and reduce the costs of unpromising areas. Also, the assessment of good or bad can be carried out on the basis of comparison of periods, comparison of plan-fact, assessment of conversions to sales and to failures. For each of these tasks, Nemind provides powerful and easy-to-use tools.
The next stage in the development of Nemind is fully automatic control, when the system itself assesses the situation, itself indicates problems and itself helps managers to achieve growth in performance. For this purpose, Nemind has a tool for automatic control of CRM work.