Chuzhakin's System



Innovation in chess thinking.
Analyze position with hazardous elements.

A new technique for analyzing positions at the interface of strategy and tactics will considerably improve your playing and prevent you from making blunders.

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Chuzhakin’s system will:

  • improve your positional play
  • decrease the number of blunders, especially combination oversights
  • make your play more confident and let you use your time rationally because you will not have to pay attention to unnecessary points on the board
  • specify when it is necessary to calculate tactical variants and when you can do without it
  • help you find unexpected combinations owing to an effective and simple algorithm
  • suggest a correct arrangement of pieces to create tactical threats for your opponent
  • make it easier to find a defense in a complicated position
  • reduce the number of variants you have to calculate when analyzing a position and choosing a move.

You can find general information about the system in the review; there are also introduction chapters available.

The concept of hazardous elements (HE) is the most important in the system. Hazardous elements show you the key points on the chessboard where combinations can be performed. An important advantage of the hazardous element theory is its completeness – ALL combinations and tactical motives that can be in practice are directly connected with hazardous elements.

Hazardous elements are not always a real threat. They are only a “weather cock” which shows from what quarter the wind of tactics can blow. There are a lot of rules for calculation of hazardous elements. This can be a challenge in the beginning, but you have to accept it, because this tactical play is very complicated and diverse and it is quite difficult to use a smaller number of rules.



In the Grand Slam final in Bilbao 2012 the game Carlsen vs Karjakin resulted in the following position:

was 1.Rd5? Rd8?, with the rook exchange and a worse position for Black. Neither Carlsen nor Karjakin noticed a beautiful combination which means it is very complicated to search for tactics in practice. As we can see the system gives clear directions when and where you can search for tactical strikes and which techniques you should use – in this case the techniques include deflection and destruction of defending objects and catching a piece that has limited mobility.

Many hazardous elements in this example were not important in the variants. E.g. these are Black's HE a7, b8, g6, g7. So you can ask why you should take them into account.

This is because HE should be calculated according to the rules and we have to calculate them, otherwise the system makes no sense. On the other hand, many HE are concealed tactical bombs which can explode after some changes in a position are made. That’s why you always have to monitor them. Moreover, sometimes at first glance a hazardous element seems to be of no importance but it can be crucial when calculating certain variants.

Let’s examine an example from a game of a reader.

Nmbers of rules are written in brackets.

Black’s hazardous elements: a7(3), b7(3), d7(3, point d7 is attacked twice, as the attack through the friendly bishop on d3 is counted according to the system), d8(3), e7(3), g8(7.1), h7(4). White wins by making consecutive attacks on all 7 HE of Black. The hazardous element theory allows you to find correct moves in this position almost automatically:


Below is my game versus Genius on mobile Phone, the level of PC is not high, just one secund per move, I also played fast.