Get detailed sales analysis and create comprehensive sales report from raw Excel dataset in one click!
Forget about boring calculations and formula creations – just click on interesting cells and enjoy the well-structured results.
- Specially for sales reports
- Grouping automatic
- Pivot Table automatic
- Detailed information about each value in each parameter
- Sum and trends calculations automatic
- Easy export to Excel
- Financial report generation automatic
- Data analysis has never been so easy!
Lets look at the grid. Values in each column are grouped. Pay attention that last values in parameters “Customer Name” and ”Province” are “Others”. Application automatically selects top-12 elements sorted by sum of sales and all other elements combined into a single group called “Others”. Sum of sales are written after name of value, for instance, in top of “Customer Name” we see
Emily Phan | $34,005.45 | 10
What it means:
Emily Phan – name of client
$34,005.45 - amount of money he spent
10 – number of purchases from sthis customer.
By the way, Emily Phan is the best client! Why?
Elements in columns are sorted from most important on top – we see that Deborah Brumfield spent less and so on. “Others” element, if any, always in the bottom.
Let’s look at the next parameter: “Province”, here we see green and red arrows which show the trend of sales for last period comparing to previous period of time. By default it is last 30 days and from 31 till 60 day before. Quebec is marked with bold arrow because it has the best trend, +5229% for last month. It is not the first in this column because Ontario and some others have more sales for all the time of dataset.
Click on Quebec.
In text field in bottom-left of window, we see detailed report about situation in Quebec. Trend +5229% appears because of poor sales in November and great sales in December.
Chart now shows monthly sales only in Quebec.
Big arrows show the best increase (green) and the worst decrease (red) in last 30-day-period trend.
Click on Grid by right mouse button and select “Pie Chart”. Now click in any meaningful cell and NeoNeuro Pivot Table shows pie chart. You can copy chart to clipboard to use in your reports.
This is sales pie chart for regions:
Click on grid by right mouse button and select in context menu “Copy grid”. You can paste data to Excel or other spreadsheet application or use them as text for csv creation. Click on “Report in Word” now. MS Word opens and detailed sales report generates automatically: For each parameter report writes name of parameter and elements with max and min sales, and the best and the worst element in trend. For instance: