
Business Intelligence Philosophy

Many people perceive business analitics as a means of monitoring the most important ratios of the company. Automation of calculations is the simplest, initial stage of business analysis. Our goal is to help managers in their work, to automate as much management work as possible. Therefore, we focus on performance ratios, in gradations of good or bad, since any management decision is the choice of the best solution from many possible ones. Well suited for assessment: conversion to sales by managers, sources, types of customers and other aspects - highlighting leaders and outsiders.
Having this information, the manager works to strengthen the growth points and reduce the costs of unpromising areas. Also, the assessment of good or bad can be carried out on the basis of comparison of periods, comparison of plan-fact, assessment of conversions to sales and to failures. For each of these tasks, Nemind provides powerful and easy-to-use tools.
The next stage in the development of Nemind is fully automatic control, when the system itself assesses the situation, itself indicates problems and itself helps managers to achieve growth in performance. For this purpose, Nemind has a tool for automatic control of CRM work.